星期四, 4月 26, 2007


尋日搵到一個叫WorkSmart嘅網頁, 係英國一班工會, 用嚟傳達一啲訊息比打工仔. 當中有個topic叫"Blogging and Work", 內容大慨係要提醒打工仔如果工作上嘅人同事寫係blog度時要小心啲. 其中有人段咁寫:

"Blogging about existentialism or football may be harmless, but discussing your boss, your colleagues or any aspect of your work could lose you friends, cost you your job and even land you in court facing a defamation suit."

我都成日寫公司啲嘢, 死火! 重有, 睇得我個blog啲人都知我係邊個, 萬一我寫啲嘢揚咗開去比同事睇到咪大鑊??? 不過諗真啲, 依度個hit rate近乎零, 邊有人會睇到丫. 怕且我係公司比老細睇到我偷懶寫blog嘅機會仲高啲.